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27 Inspirational Poems of Encouragement and Strength for Myself

These inspirational poems of encouragement and strength for myself are short poems to uplift and encourage and inspirational poems about life.

Life is a rollercoaster ride with its ups and downs, challenges, and triumphs. In this journey, we often find ourselves in need of encouragement and strength to navigate through the storms and embrace the sunlight that follows. One powerful and introspective way to find solace and motivation is through writing inspirational poems for ourselves. These poems become a personal sanctuary, a source of empowerment, and a reminder of the strength that resides within us.

Embracing Resilience: Through the art of poetry, we explore the depths of our resilience. In crafting poems of encouragement, we dive into the essence of our being, uncovering the strength that lies within. These poems become a reflection of our ability to face adversity, to rise above challenges, and to keep moving forward, no matter how daunting the circumstances.

Turning Fear into Courage: The act of writing poems of strength allows us to confront our fears and transform them into courage. In these verses, we become warriors, battling our inner doubts and insecurities. We learn to dance with fear, embracing it as a catalyst for growth and transformation. Our poems of encouragement become a shield against negativity, empowering us to stand tall in the face of uncertainty.

A Journey of Self-Discovery: Through the introspection inherent in writing inspirational poems, we embark on a journey of self-discovery. These verses become mirrors, reflecting our deepest desires, dreams, and aspirations. As we explore the depths of our emotions, we find the wellspring of strength that lies within our hearts.

A Source of Comfort and Encouragement: In moments of doubt and darkness, our self-written poems of encouragement become a source of comfort and reassurance. They remind us of our triumphs, the hurdles we've overcome, and the power of our resilience. These poems become a lifeline, lifting our spirits when we feel lost or disheartened.

Empowering the Present and the Future: As we pen poems of strength and encouragement, we empower not only our present selves but also our future selves. These verses serve as beacons of hope, guiding us through the challenges that lie ahead. They become reminders of our inner strength, empowering us to face whatever life may throw our way.

Embracing Vulnerability: In crafting these intimate poems, we embrace vulnerability. We allow ourselves to be raw and honest, acknowledging our struggles and acknowledging that it is okay to seek encouragement from within. These poems become a testament to our humanity, reminding us that it is okay to lean on our inner strength in times of need.

A Journey Towards Self-Love: Ultimately, writing poems of encouragement and strength is an act of self-love. It is a way of acknowledging our worth, resilience, and capacity to rise above challenges. These poems become love letters to ourselves, nourishing our spirits and reminding us of our inherent strength and worthiness.

Indeed, writing inspirational poems of encouragement and strength for ourselves is a powerful and transformative journey. Through these verses, we find solace, courage, and empowerment to face life's uncertainties. These poems become a reflection of our inner resilience and a reminder of the boundless strength that lies within us. As we pen our poems, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-love, and self-empowerment. They serve as reminders that we are warriors of our own destiny, capable of embracing life's challenges with grace, courage, and unwavering strength.

Best Inspirational Poems of Encouragement and Strength for Myself

Inspirational Poems of Encouragement and Strength for Myself: These inspirational poems of encouragement and strength serve as a reminder to embrace life's challenges with courage and determination. With each verse, I find solace in my own resilience, knowing that I have the strength to rise from any adversity. In the depths of uncertainty, I'll dance with fear, for it is in facing my fears that I find my true power. Through every setback, I'll rise like a phoenix, stronger and brighter. In the face of doubt, I'll stand my ground, knowing that I possess unwavering determination. These poems are my guiding light, igniting the fire within my soul and inspiring me to conquer life's trials with grace and resilience. I am the architect of my own destiny, weaving a tapestry of dreams with the threads of my strength and courage.

Empowering the Journey Within

In the depths of uncertainty, I found my way,
A journey of self-empowerment, day by day.
With ink as my guide, I penned each line,
Crafting verses of strength, courage to define.

Through life's rollercoaster, I learned to soar,
Embracing resilience, I sought to explore.
Inspirational poems became my light,
A sanctuary within, a beacon so bright.

Dancing with fear, I took its hand,
Transforming it into courage, I'd planned.
No longer a prisoner of doubts and dread,
Through self-written verses, I found strength instead.

A journey of self-discovery it became,
Each word, a mirror, reflecting the flame.
In the depths of my heart, emotions unfurled,
Revealing the power within, a potent world.

Through the storms of life, I sought reprieve,
Finding comfort and hope as I believe.
Encouraging myself, a lifeline I'd hold,
A reservoir of strength, more precious than gold.

In the present and future, my poems empower,
Guiding me through challenges, I'd devour.
A testament to resilience, they'd attest,
My spirit emboldened, put to the test.

Vulnerable I'd be, in the lines I wrote,
Acknowledging struggles, as I emote.
But strength arises from embracing the core,
In self-written verses, I'd soar even more.

A journey of self-love, a sacred quest,
In poems of encouragement, I'd invest.
Nourishing my spirit, lifting my soul,
A testament to strength, making me whole.

Inspirational poems, my love letters to me,
A reminder of worth, as I set myself free.
With every word penned, I'd stand tall,
A journey of self-empowerment, a call.

Through this odyssey of courage and might,
I'd embrace my journey, through day and night.
For within these verses, I'd find the key,
To a life of self-empowerment, resolute and free.

Short Poems to Uplift and Encourage: These short inspirational poems of encouragement and strength are what have become my daily mantras, uplifting my spirit and empowering me to face life's hurdles with determination. In just a few lines, these powerful verses remind me of my resilience, turning fear into courage and doubt into unwavering self-belief. Each poem becomes a beacon of hope, guiding me through uncertainties and offering solace during challenging times. With every read, I find comfort and reassurance, knowing that within me lies the strength to overcome any obstacle and rise above adversity. These concise yet impactful poems become my source of inspiration, reminding me of my worth and fueling my journey of self-empowerment.

Embrace the Journey

In the depths of uncertainty, I find my way,
A path untrodden, through night and day.
Fear not the shadows, for they too shall pass,
With each step forward, I'll surpass.


In the face of storms, I stand tall,
A beacon of strength through it all.
With courage in my heart, I'll endure,
No challenge too great to obscure.

Unbreakable Spirit

Though trials may test, and tears may flow,
A spirit unbreakable, I'll bestow.
For within me lies a fierce resolve,
To conquer all and evolve.

Rise from Ashes

Like a phoenix rising from the fire,
I'll emerge stronger, reaching higher.
Each setback only fuels my might,
Turning darkness into radiant light.

Dance with Fear

Fear may whisper in the night,
But I'll dance with it, shining bright.
For within me dwells a fearless soul,
Conquering fears, I'll take control.

 Inner Fire

Within my heart, an ember glows,
A flame of passion that forever grows.
With every challenge, it burns bright,
Igniting strength, like stars at night.

Embrace the Unknown

In the realm of the unknown, I take a leap,
A journey of faith, my soul will keep.
With open arms, I'll welcome change,
Through uncharted waters, I'll arrange.

Unwavering Determination

In the face of doubt, I'll stand my ground,
With unwavering determination, I'm bound.
No obstacle too great to withstand,
I'll rise above, hand in hand.

Inner Sanctuary

Amidst life's chaos, I'll find my peace,
In the sanctuary of self-release.
With every breath, I'll draw strength,
From within, a boundless length.

A Tapestry of Dreams

In threads of dreams, I'll weave my fate,
A tapestry of resilience, I create.
Through valleys low and mountains steep,
I'll embrace the journey, my soul to keep.

Inspirational Poems about Life: Inspirational poems about life are a poetic expression of the human experience, offering profound insights and wisdom on the beauty and complexities of existence. These poems delve into the essence of what it means to live, love, and persevere. They serve as a guiding light, inspiring readers to embrace the journey with courage, grace, and a positive outlook. Through vivid imagery and emotive language, these poems celebrate the highs and navigate the lows, encouraging us to find meaning and purpose in every moment. Whether they celebrate the wonders of nature, the power of human resilience, or the bonds of love and friendship, inspirational poems about life remind us of the beauty that surrounds us and the infinite possibilities that lie within.

Embrace the Journey

Life's a canvas, blank and pure,
A journey of adventures, to endure.
With every step, a story to tell,
In the symphony of life, we dwell.

Amidst the highs and lows we roam,
A tapestry of dreams we'll sew.
Challenges come, but so does grace,
Embrace each moment, life's embrace.

Through darkened skies and stormy seas,
Our hearts hold dreams, like galaxies.
In every trial, we find our might,
A beacon of hope, shining bright.

Cherish the laughter, wipe the tears,
For life's a dance of shifting gears.
In each chapter, a lesson to learn,
A chance to grow, a soul to earn.

So as we journey, hand in hand,
In love and joy, we'll firmly stand.
For life's a gift, an open door,
Embrace the journey, evermore.

Symphony of Life

In the grand tapestry of existence, we find,
A symphony of life, an orchestra entwined.
With each note played, a story unfolds,
In the rhythm of time, our destiny molds.

Life's a melody, with harmonies so grand,
A delicate dance, on a shifting sand.
Through highs and lows, the music plays,
A timeless rhythm, in mysterious ways.

In the dawn's embrace, a new day is born,
As sunlight weaves dreams, like golden corn.
With every sunrise, hope's melody strums,
A chance to embrace life's precious thrums.

In the twilight's hues, the day takes flight,
A symphony of stars, adorning the night.
In the quiet serenade of moonlit skies,
Whispers of love, like a lullaby rise.

Through the alleys of joy and the valleys of woe,
Life's symphony plays, as we learn and grow.
Each moment a note, unique and bold,
Creating a melody, destined to be told.

In the echoes of laughter and tears we weep,
A symphony of emotions, in soulful sweep.
For in the crescendo of love and pain,
We find our purpose, our hearts refrain.

With every setback and every stride,
Life's symphony beckons, it cannot hide.
Through the chorus of courage and fears,
We conquer the mountains, amid the cheers.

The cadence of time, a gentle sway,
In the symphony of life, we find our way.
With melodies of gratitude and grace,
We leave our mark, a legacy to embrace.

So as the symphony of life plays on,
In this grand opus, we all belong.
With open hearts and spirits free,
Let's savor the music, that's you and me.

Embracing the Journey of Life

In the tapestry of life, we weave our tale,
A heartfelt journey, where dreams set sail.
With each passing moment, a chance to grow,
In the river of life, we learn to flow.

Through sun-kissed days and moonlit nights,
We dance with hope and reach new heights.
In the garden of love, our hearts bloom,
A symphony of emotions, like a sweet perfume.

In times of sorrow and moments of glee,
We find strength within, resilient and free.
For life's a canvas, where colors blend,
Creating a masterpiece, that has no end.

As seasons change, so do we,
In the rhythm of life's symphony.
Through the storms we weather, and winds we face,
We rise with courage, and claim our space.

In the embrace of friendship, we find delight,
A tapestry of connections, woven tight.
With laughter and tears, we stand as one,
A chorus of unity, beneath the sun.

Life's a kaleidoscope of joy and pain,
In the depths of loss, we rise again.
With each scar, a story to share,
In vulnerability, we show we care.

The journey of life is a sacred gift,
A chance to learn, to heal, to lift.
Through challenges and triumphs, we embrace,
The ebb and flow of this human race.

So, as we walk this path unknown,
Let love be our compass, our cornerstone.
For in the end, it's not the destination we seek,
But the lessons learned, and the love we speak.

In the symphony of life, we all play a part,
A symphony of love, hope, and art.
Embrace the journey, with open eyes,
For in this dance of life, true beauty lies.

Inspirational Poems for Students: Inspirational poems for students serve as a source of motivation, encouragement, and empowerment, guiding them on their educational journey. These poems are crafted with powerful messages that resonate with the young minds, inspiring them to believe in their potential, overcome challenges, and reach for their dreams. Through vivid imagery and emotive language, these poems instill a sense of perseverance, resilience, and self-belief. They remind students that failure is not a roadblock but an opportunity to learn and grow. These verses become guiding lights, reminding students to embrace their uniqueness, follow their passions, and pursue knowledge with zeal. Inspirational poems for students ignite the fire within, helping them navigate through academic hurdles with confidence and emerge as the architects of their own success.

Soaring Beyond Horizons

In the realm of knowledge, where dreams take flight,
A tapestry of possibilities, shining bright.
Students, rise with courage, let your spirits soar,
For the world awaits, an open door.

Within these halls, where wonders abide,
The journey begins, with hearts open wide.
With every lesson, a seed is sown,
In the garden of curiosity, you'll be shown.

Through trials and triumphs, you'll find your way,
With every challenge, a chance to sway.
Embrace each obstacle, with unwavering might,
For within you lies a guiding light.

In the pursuit of learning, let passion ignite,
A fire within, burning ever so bright.
For knowledge is a treasure, a priceless art,
A key that opens every heart.

Let failures not daunt, but become your guide,
For in every stumble, wisdom resides.
With each setback, you'll rise again,
A phoenix reborn, breaking free from pain.

In the symphony of education, hear your voice,
A melody unique, a powerful choice.
So let your dreams be your compass true,
And let ambition guide all that you do.

Let inspiration be your constant friend,
A force that leads you to the end.
For in the pursuit of greatness, you'll find,
A world of wonders, a boundless mind.

So students, soar beyond horizons vast,
Unfurl your wings, the sky is yours at last.
With hope as your anchor, you'll never stray,
A journey of learning, come what may.

In the pursuit of knowledge, let your hearts be bold,
For within you lies a story untold.
In the dance of learning, find your grace,
A symphony of triumph, a world to embrace.

With every step, your path unfolds,
A tale of courage that's yet untold.
In the boundless universe of learning, you'll find,
A universe within you, infinite and kind.

So seize the day, let dreams ignite,
A journey of learning, a radiant light.
For in the tapestry of possibilities, you'll see,
The promise of tomorrow, soaring free.

Rise and Shine

In the halls of academia, a journey takes flight,
Where students seek wisdom, in day and night.
With each dawn's embrace, a new chapter begins,
A story of courage, a tale that wins.

Through pages of knowledge, they navigate,
With dreams as compass, they won't hesitate.
For within their hearts, a fire burns bright,
Igniting passions, like stars in the night.

In the face of challenges, they rise,
With determination in their eyes.
With every hurdle, they find a way,
A spirit unyielding, come what may.

Let failures not be seen as defeat,
But stepping stones, their goals to meet.
In the trials of learning, they'll find,
Strength within, of a resilient kind.

Though storms may come, they'll not dismay,
For in every tempest, a sunny day.
With perseverance as their shield,
They'll conquer mountains, never yield.

In the symphony of education, they'll play,
Each note a triumph, come what may.
For in their hands lies a world of change,
A destiny written, nothing estrange.

With every lesson, they'll spread their wings,
In the pursuit of greatness, the sky sings.
With hope as their beacon, they'll find their way,
A path of purpose, a brighter day.

So students, rise and shine with glee,
Unleash the potential within thee.
With courage as your constant friend,
You'll journey beyond, to no end.

In the tapestry of life, you'll weave,
A legacy of greatness, so believe.
For the world awaits your talent rare,
An inspiration for all to share.

With every step, your future unfolds,
A story of bravery, yet untold.
In the symphony of life, you'll find,
The courage to soar, a spirit aligned.

So rise and shine, students of might,
In this journey of learning, take flight.
With dreams in heart, you'll surely climb,
A testament to courage, for all time.

Anthem of Triumph

In the realm of knowledge, where dreams take flight,
A symphony of wisdom, shining bright.
Students, arise with courage, let your spirits soar,
For the world beckons, an open door.

Within these hallowed halls, where wonders reside,
The journey begins, with hearts open wide.
With each lesson, a seed of greatness sown,
In the garden of learning, you'll have grown.

Through trials and tribulations, you'll find your way,
With every challenge, a chance to sway.
Embrace each obstacle, with unwavering might,
For within you lies a guiding light.

In the pursuit of learning, let passion ignite,
A fire within, burning ever so bright.
For knowledge is a treasure, a key to explore,
Unlocking the doors to worlds unknown.

Let failures not falter, but become your guide,
For in every stumble, wisdom resides.
With each setback, you'll rise again,
A phoenix reborn, breaking free from pain.

In the symphony of education, hear your voice,
A melody unique, a powerful choice.
So let your dreams be your compass true,
And let ambition guide all that you do.

Let inspiration be your constant friend,
A force that leads you to the end.
For in the pursuit of greatness, you'll find,
A world of wonders, a boundless mind.

So students, soar beyond horizons vast,
Unfurl your wings, the sky is yours at last.
With hope as your anchor, you'll never stray,
A journey of learning, come what may.

In the pursuit of knowledge, let your hearts be bold,
For within you lies a story untold.
In the boundless universe of learning, you'll find,
A universe within you, infinite and kind.

So seize the day, let dreams ignite,
A journey of learning, a radiant light.
For in the tapestry of possibilities, you'll see,
The promise of tomorrow, soaring free.

Beyond the horizon, a world awaits,
With dreams to chase, and destinies to create.
In the realm of knowledge, students stand tall,
For in their hands lies the power to enthrall.

With every lesson, they'll pave their way,
In the pursuit of brilliance, they'll not sway.
With courage as their compass, they'll steer,
Towards a future that knows no fear.

So rise and shine, dear students, rise,
With determination that never dies.
In the symphony of triumph, you'll play,
With hearts ablaze, you'll find your way.

Beyond the horizon, the future gleams,
A canvas of endless possibilities, it seems.
So reach for the stars, and embrace your call,
For students of today are destined to enthrall.

Inspirational Poems for Women: Inspirational poems for women are powerful and empowering verses that celebrate the strength, resilience, and grace of the female spirit. These poems serve as a source of encouragement, reminding women of their inherent worth, capabilities, and potential. They uplift and inspire, addressing the unique challenges women may face and encouraging them to embrace their true selves fearlessly. Through vivid imagery and emotive language, these poems honor the diverse roles women play and highlight their contributions to society. From celebrating achievements to overcoming obstacles, inspirational poems for women offer a beacon of hope and a reminder that they are capable of achieving greatness in all aspects of life.

Unleashing the Phoenix

In the depths of her being, a fire ignites,
A spirit unyielding, a soul that takes flight.
She rises from ashes, like a phoenix bold,
A woman of strength, a story untold.

In the symphony of life, she finds her voice,
A melody unique, a powerful choice.
Through trials and triumphs, she'll take her stand,
A warrior of love, with heart in hand.

Her journey is a tapestry, woven with grace,
A dance of courage, in every space.
From the depths of despair, she'll rise,
A beacon of hope, lighting up the skies.

Through the alleys of doubt, she'll find her way,
With determination, she'll seize the day.
In a world that may try to hold her back,
She'll break free from chains, never to lack.

In her heart, a universe of dreams,
A symphony of possibilities, it seems.
With every stride, she claims her worth,
An inspiration to all on this earth.

She'll embrace her flaws, her scars, her soul,
For in her imperfections, she's whole.
She'll celebrate her essence, unapologetically,
A woman of substance, for all to see.

In the face of adversity, she'll rise,
With resilience and grace, she'll mesmerize.
Her voice will echo, a chorus of might,
A force of nature, shining so bright.

In her hands, she'll hold the power,
To build bridges, to bloom like a flower.
With compassion as her guiding light,
She'll spread love and kindness, day and night.

She'll challenge norms, break through the glass,
With courage and purpose, she'll amass.
For she knows the strength that lies within,
A force that allows her soul to begin.

In the tapestry of life, she'll weave her tale,
A story of empowerment, set to sail.
In her journey, she'll find her bliss,
A woman of strength, she'll never miss.

So, unleash the phoenix, let it fly,
A woman of valor, soaring high.
In her heart, the power to inspire,
A force of nature, burning like fire.

For in this odyssey, she'll find her fate,
A woman of worth, never to abate.
In the symphony of empowerment, she'll play,
A woman of substance, every day.

Journey of Heart and Soul

In the depths of her heart, a symphony begins,
A woman of strength, a soul that wins.
She rises like the sun, with each new day,
A testament to resilience, come what may.

In a world that often tries to dim her light,
She stands tall, ready to take flight.
With grace and courage, she faces the storm,
In the face of adversity, she'll transform.

Through the alleys of doubt, she'll find her way,
With determination, she'll seize the day.
Her dreams are a tapestry, woven with care,
A vision of beauty, beyond compare.

In the echoes of laughter and tears she weeps,
She finds her power, buried deep.
For within her heart, a universe thrives,
A force of love that never deprives.

In the face of injustice, she'll stand,
With a heart that's open, a helping hand.
Her empathy and kindness know no bounds,
A warrior of compassion, the world surrounds.

In her eyes, you'll see galaxies of dreams,
A spirit that soars, bursting at the seams.
With every challenge, she'll rise,
Like a phoenix, to touch the skies.

Her voice, a melody of strength and grace,
In the symphony of life, she finds her place.
In the journey of heart and soul, she'll roam,
An inspiration to all who call her home.

Her touch is healing, her words a balm,
In the chaos of life, she brings calm.
With wisdom and courage, she'll impart,
The magic of love, straight from the heart.

Through the highs and lows, she'll shine,
Her spirit like stardust, divine.
With resilience as her trusted guide,
She'll conquer mountains, side by side.

For she is more than just a name,
A woman of substance, staking her claim.
In her journey, she'll find her art,
A symphony of life, a masterpiece of heart.

So let her rise, let her soar,
An emblem of strength, forevermore.
In her heart, a universe unfolds,
A woman of heart, and a soul that holds.

Unveiling Her Majesty

In the tapestry of life, she takes her stand,
A woman of valor, with dreams so grand.
In every step, she writes her tale,
An emblem of strength, a force to hail.

In a world of odds, she finds her grace,
With courage in heart, she'll find her place.
Through trials and tribulations, she'll rise,
A warrior of love, reaching for the skies.

Her voice, a symphony, bold and clear,
A beacon of hope, banishing fear.
In the face of challenges, she'll not bend,
With resilience, her spirit will mend.

Through the valleys of doubt, she'll ascend,
With unwavering spirit, she'll transcend.
In her heart, a universe thrives,
A realm of possibilities, where hope survives.

With each sunrise, she's reborn anew,
Her spirit ablaze, a fire that grew.
In the depths of her soul, a power lies,
An unstoppable force, reaching for highs.

She breaks the barriers, she shatters the walls,
In her presence, inspiration calls.
With compassion in her touch, she'll heal,
A woman of worth, with a heart of steel.

In the symphony of dreams, she'll play,
An anthem of hope, come what may.
Her dreams, like stars, illuminate the night,
Guiding her path, a celestial light.

Her love is boundless, her kindness deep,
A wellspring of compassion, secrets to keep.
Through storms and tides, she'll sail,
With unwavering courage, she'll prevail.

In her eyes, the universe unfolds,
A story of greatness, waiting to be told.
She'll break through barriers, she'll fly,
A woman of power, soaring high.

So let her shine, let her thrive,
In her journey, she'll come alive.
With each step, she unveils her majesty,
An empowering verse, for all to see.

Famous Inspirational Poems: Famous inspirational poems have left an indelible mark on literature and continue to resonate with readers across generations. These poems are often cherished for their profound messages of hope, courage, and resilience, speaking to the universal human experience. They have the power to uplift spirits, motivate individuals to overcome challenges, and inspire positive change. From the timeless works of poets like Maya Angelou, Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, and Langston Hughes to modern poets like Rupi Kaur and Amanda Gorman, their verses have become symbols of empowerment and hope. These poems often explore themes of self-discovery, the pursuit of dreams, and the beauty of the human spirit, making them timeless and beloved by readers from all walks of life.

Still I Rise

Out of the huts of history's shame,
I rise.
Up from a past that's rooted in pain,
I rise.
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling, I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear,
I rise.
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear,
I rise.
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise.
I rise.
I rise.

Maya Angelou

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

Phenomenal Woman

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.

I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.

I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.

I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need for my care.

'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Maya Angelou


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Lovely Messages – Spreading Love, One Message at a Time!: 27 Inspirational Poems of Encouragement and Strength for Myself
27 Inspirational Poems of Encouragement and Strength for Myself
These inspirational poems of encouragement and strength for myself are short poems to uplift and encourage and inspirational poems about life.
Lovely Messages – Spreading Love, One Message at a Time!
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