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100 Good Friday Wishes, Quotes and Messages for Family and Friends

Here are sample good Friday wishes and quotes for you to share with friends and loved ones who are celebrating easter. Have a blessed good Friday.

Best Good Friday Wishes, Quotes and Messages for Friends, Family and Colleagues

On Good Friday, the crucifixion day of our Lord and Saviour began. What a day in the month of April to remember. Good Friday is the day for commemorating the supreme sacrifice that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ took to make us a new creatures. He gave His all to make us who we are today through His blood.

Good Friday is the day He gave His own life to save us from our sins and reconcile us through His unconditional love to be witness to the righteousness of God.

When you think of the Holy Day for Christians, Good Friday is what comes to mind. And on a day of reflection like this, everyone around you deserves a good Friday message, quotes and greetings to bless their day. 

Best Good Friday Wishes, Quotes and Messages for Friends and Loved Ones

These good Friday messages are blessed good Friday wishes, sample good Friday messages, good Friday wishes to colleagues and good Friday blessings quotes for your friends and loved ones who are celebrating Easter. Happy Birthday to a Spiritual Person

[1]. Life is a maybe, death is for sure. Sin is the cause, and Christ is the cure. Mercy, peace and love. May the grace and Lord surround and be with us all. God bless our family, relatives and loved ones. Thank you for everything, Lord God. Have a blessed good Friday everyone.

[2]. May God turn this Good Friday into a blissful beginning of your life. May God fill your life with goodness on this holy day. Happy Good Friday!

[3]. Today is Good Friday. It is also called the Holy and Great Friday.  On this day the Lord Jesus was crucified. The Lord Jesus taught us the language of self-sacrifice. That terrible Friday has been called Good Friday because it led to the resurrection of Jesus and His victory over death and sin and the celebration of Easter. On Easter Lord Jesus was resurrected. He is far above death. He is the pioneer of light and goodness. All of you stay blessed forever.

[4]. Praying that the Lord holds you in his love and blesses you with his grace on this Holy Day and always. Have a blessed Good Friday.

[5]. Sometimes our greatest insight comes from our failure, not from our accomplishments. Happy Good Friday wishes to you and your loved ones.

[6]. On this Good Friday, May Almighty bless you in every sphere of your life. Have faith in your soul and promise in your words. Know your goal and set everything to achieve it.

[7]. Good Friday is called a day of goodness and you also got Good Friday wishes on this day but not only good Fridays are good. Every day is good if you have hope and faith in God. So start your every day like Good Friday.

[8]. May all of us be blessed with the goodness of Good Friday on this beautiful day and always.

[9]. Happy Good Friday all of you. Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum.

[10]. Our God is continuously blessing us, we are fortunate to be His children. Happy Good Friday to you and your family.

[11]. On the occasion of Good Friday, I pray to God for lots of happiness and love to all.

[12]. On this Holy moment may His lighting guide your path, may His love and grace be in your own heart and may His sacrifice strengthen your soul. Happy Good Friday to you all.

[13]. I wish the Lord will keep you in His loving care now and always. Happy Good Friday all!

[14]. Wishing you a very happy Good Friday, may this day bring you a lot of happiness.

[15]. May God bless us all on the occasion of Good Friday.

[16]. May our lives be brightened with the glory and blessings of Jesus. Sending warm Good Friday wishes to everyone.

[17]. Happy Good Friday. May God turn this Good Friday into a blissful beginning of your life. May God fill your life with goodness on this Holy day.

[18]. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. May our life be filled with His grace. Have a blessed Holy Friday everyone.

[19]. Christ died so that I may live. It’s Good Friday, take time to have a sober reflection about how your life has been going. God's love is the greatest!

[20]. May the Love and Mercy of Jesus fill our hearts and protect everyone throughout our life. Happy Good Friday!

[21]. The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming. Good Friday wishes to you all.

[22]. Let the blessings of the holy spirit be the guiding light of your lives. As we celebrate Good Friday, we wish you all a prosperous day and may all your worries and sorrows be buried forever!

[23]. The price is paid! To all Christians, I am glad to inform you that the price is paid! After the last supper, He knew today would be a Good Friday for us all. May the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ never go in vain in our lives. Once again, the price is paid!

[24]. On the Holy day of our Saviour's sacrifice, I wish you a Good Friday. May the Lord bless you and your family with a healthy life.

[25]. Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, is the day on which Christians annually observe the commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. From the early days of Christianity, Good Friday was observed as a day of sorrow, penance and fasting. Peace be with all of you!

[26]. Happy Good Friday to you all! May the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus infuse your life with inspiration and new hope to follow the path of truth and redemption forever.

[27]. Happy Good Friday. Let's have positive thoughts about ourselves and others. When you see misfortune in the lives of others, take the lesson in it rather than making a mockery of them.

[28]. Today is the day Christ carried the cross to Calvary. Thank you Jesus for being my Lord and Saviour. 

[29]. He was hung up for our hang-ups. 

[30]. For all that You do, thank You is never enough. Jesus, You are our light, I honour and worship you forever and ever. 

[31]. May the blessings of God always be upon us. Wishing you all a blessed Good Friday.

[32]. Why is Good Friday so good? Because the story doesn't end today. Hope you're having a great day and that you're able to find some time to reflect on the greatest gift of all time, the free gift of eternal life paid for by what Jesus did on the cross. 

[33]. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes, we are healed.

[34]. May all of us be blessed with the goodness of Good Friday on this auspicious day and always.

[35]. We commemorate God’s immense love for us today. May this day provide your life with new significance and change.

[36]. Jesus said It is finished. With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John [19:30]

[37]. Wishing all Christian families a memorable Good Friday! May this season signify hope, love and kindness to you and yours.

[38]. In the fullness of time,  God sent His Son. On this day we remember the price Jesus paid to ransom us from eternal death. May this season bring you a new understanding of the cross.

[39]. Love, forgiveness and compassion, these are the ideals we must all strive to live up to this day and every day. 

[40]. Thank You, God, for Your everlasting love and providence. Thanks to You an arrogant sinner like me stands saved. May we all come to know the Good News. God gives us the wisdom to discern the good from evil. There is no turning back.

[41]. Wishing you a blessed, joyous, and blissful Good Friday. Let us remember, God has blessed us with so many things to appreciate in the beauty and the essence of life. Being thankful to God always comes with a grateful and happy heart. Happy Good Friday!

[42]. On this day, may love, compassion and forgiveness guide our thoughts and deeds. I wish everyone a blessed Good Friday.

[43]. Colossians [2:14], by cancelling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. Happy Good Friday.

[44]. On this Good Friday, may the Almighty bless you in every sphere of your life. Have faith in your soul and promise in your words. Know your goal and set everything to achieve it.

[45]. The true symbol of love is the cross, not the heart.

[46]. Happy Good Friday. Wishing everyone a blissful day filled with joy.

[47]. Today as we reflect on the sacrifice of Christ for mankind, may the reasons for His unconditional love be fulfilled in our lives. Blessed Good Friday to you all.

[48]. We give God all the glory for giving us His Son. Happy Good Friday.

[49]. No greater love than this, for a man to lay down his life for his friends.

[50]. Happy Good Friday! May the power in His death bring light into our darkest days. 

[51]. Wishing you a very blissful Good Friday to you all. May the grace of the Lord bring enlightenment, peace, contentment and joy to all. May we all follow the path of honesty and kindness.

[52]. Thank you Jesus for sealing the deal at Calvary on a day like this; for your precious blood that speaks better things for us even unto eternity; for our new identity; for our undefeated assurance of victory. 

[53]. May your heart be filled with renewed hope, love, and peace. Happy Good Friday

[54]. May the Lord keep you in His loving care and blessings always.

[55]. May God always bless you, and bring peace to your heart, and new hope in your life.

[56]. Remember the Lord’s great love, sacrifice, and mercy. Wishing you a blessed Good Friday!

[57]. Let's promise to live a life full of love, forgiveness, and peace this Good Friday.

[58]. May the Lord's sacrifices reflect upon your actions and give you the strength to keep going.

[59]. May this holy occasion bring peace into your heart and swamp your life with eternal love and bliss. Wishing you a blessed and Happy Good Friday!

[60]. For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16. Happy Good Friday everyone.

[61]. May all of us be blessed with the goodness of Good Friday on this auspicious day and always. 

[62]. On this holy occasion of Good Friday, May the Lord's light guide your path, love fill your heart, and sacrifice strengthen your soul.

[63]. Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow. May all of us be blessed with the goodness of Good Friday on this auspicious day and always.

[64]. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace. Wishing you all a Happy Good Friday!

[65]. Let the unconditional love of Jesus fill your heart with divine bliss and holy desires forever.

[66]. May your day be filled with blessings and love in the company of those you love most. Happy Good Friday!

[67]. May your faith in God bring peace to your heart and new hope in your life. Wishing you a Happy Good Friday!

[68]. The cross of Jesus Christ is the symbolic representation of God’s deepest and unending love for humanity. Wish you a blessed Good Friday. 

[69]. May your life be brightened with the glory and blessings of Jesus. Sending warm Good Friday wishes to you.

[70]. Good Friday is a day of hope. It is a day when we look forward to a brighter tomorrow. Wishing you a Good Friday.

[71]. Warm wishes to you and your family. May you have success in your life and a very happy Good Friday!

[72]. May the Almighty shower you and your loved ones with the choicest blessings.

[73]. Hoping all your prayers come true and you get what your heart desires. Have a blessed Good Friday!

[74]. May the kindness and mercy of the Lord fill your life with utmost peace, love, and compassion towards other beings. Happy Good Friday!

[75]. It was my sin that nailed Him there. He could have said a word and angels would have come and rescued Him, but He loved us so much that He stayed there. 

[76]. May the spirit of this auspicious day give you the courage to stay on God’s path. Happy Good Friday!   
[77]. Wishing each and every single one of you a peaceful and pious Good Friday.

[78]. Praying that the Lord's blessings are always upon you on this Good Friday and always.

[79]. Good Friday reminds us of the power of love, compassion, and empathy. Let's celebrate this day by remembering and appreciating all the good things in our life. 

[80]. Good Friday reminds us about the struggles and sacrifices of Jesus Christ. A perfect embodiment of compassion, He was devoted to serving the needy and healing the sick. Wishing you a blessed Good Friday!

[81]. May the love of Jesus fill your heart with heavenly bliss and holy desires for now and forever. Wishing you a Holy Good Friday.

[82]. Wishing you all a blessed and beatified Good Friday with the hope that God’s great love will remain unchanged for you. 

[83]. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds, we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

[84]. Christ has not only spoken to us through His life but has also spoken for us through His death.

[85]. As we observe your death on the cross, save us by your blood, wash our sins away, cleanse us of diseases that threaten our lives
for by your stripes, we are healed.

[86]. May your faith in God, bring peace to your heart and new hope in your life. May God always bless You! Happy Good Friday everyone.

[87]. May your faith in God, bring peace to your heart and new hope in your life.

[88]. May God surround you and your family with blessings, peace, and eternal love on this holy day of Good Friday. Wishing you a happy and memorable Good Friday.

[89]. Lord, thank you for the body of Jesus that was given for me and the blood that was shed for me. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, your word and sacrament, may my thoughts and memories be focused on you. 

[90]. May the glory of our Savior Jesus Christ strengthen you and may His graces shine upon you on this Good Friday and always!

[91]. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. John 3:16-17

[92]. I know I am not worthy but you died for me and took my sins.

[93]. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18

[94]. What manner of love that Christ found me worthy to die for. Unmerited Love!

[95]. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. Have a positive hope on this Good Friday.

[96]. Good Friday is a sacred day symbolizing God's immense love for all of us. On this day, wishing you all God's grace, and a blessed Good Friday!

[97]. By His wounds, we are healed. May God heal the world.

[98]. The day celebrates the sacrifice of Jesus and the price He paid for the world’s sins. It marks the ultimate sacrifice of the Lord and teaches us the unconditional love that Jesus showed for the world. Thank You for the Cross Lord!

[99]. May we all be blessed with the goodness of Good Friday, now and always.

[100]. To you this blessed day, what Jesus died to offer, you must not suffer. May the blood that speaketh better things than the blood of Abel speak for us all.


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Lovely Messages – Spreading Love, One Message at a Time!: 100 Good Friday Wishes, Quotes and Messages for Family and Friends
100 Good Friday Wishes, Quotes and Messages for Family and Friends
Here are sample good Friday wishes and quotes for you to share with friends and loved ones who are celebrating easter. Have a blessed good Friday.
Lovely Messages – Spreading Love, One Message at a Time!
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